Faster Than Expected - Podcast

FTE24 ~ Sam Carana about Arctic and global temperature



In my view he is one of the leading scientists, who is engaged in the topic of abrupt climate change. But nobody knows who is behind this name, he prefers to remain anonymous. In this episode of the FasterThanExpected podcast we focus on the question: How is ice melting in the Arctic and methane influencing the global temperature? About the melting ice in the Arctic we had heard from Thorstein Viddal and Peter Wadhams in the first part of my Arctic series. The thickness and volume of the ice is at a record low. With Jennifer Hynes I have talked about the Methane Monster, that is out now. Sam Carana is the main writer onArctic News blog, that describes the situation in the Arctic, focusing especially on the threat of large abrupt methane eruptions from the Arctic Ocean seafloor. Sam Carana gives no audio or video interviews, but he has been so kind to give me a written interview. I am thankful, that Kevin Hester from New Zealand will take his part in this recording. Links * Arctic News blog http://arctic