Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to discover my number 1 tip to making money online. Hey, today I'm going to talk about good email subject lines for introduction in affiliate marketing! What I am going to share with you today, you can of course use in email – but you can use them with anything.  You can use it in blog post titles, Facebook posts, video content are really anywhere else. A good email subject line's job is to get someone's attention. One of our best weapons as internet marketers is curiosity.  Yes, by pushing someone's curious button – you will be able to get more of their attention and that is a very valuable thing to have. I once heard that sales is getting someone to view things from you point of view. To do this you need their attention.  One of the most overlooked subject lines has nothing to do with what you want to talk about. What you can do is legally steal what is already working.  If there is something that is going on in the world that ev