Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

Innovative Ways to Communicate Online with Ben Adelberg



Innovation comes in many ways, forms and inspirations. Today we consider the basic use of communication as an innovation for compliance. We’re chatting with Ben Adelberg, host of The Back of the Range Golf Podcast, and today he’s sharing his processes, tips, and tricks for innovation and moving forward with whatever it is you’re working on. Ben’s approach:Ben interviews a wide variety of people, so before he ever gets on the phone with them, he does a deep dive. He goes through all of their social media channels, websites they might have been on, books they’ve written — anywhere that might have information on them — and finds out every single thing he can that could potentially lead him to different and unique questions to ask his guests. His goal is to go through the entire episode and ask questions they’ve never been asked, which makes The Back of the Range unique and stand out among all the other golf podcasts.Publicizing the podcast:Publishing a podcast episode is just half the job. It could be the most e