Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, good morning!  If you're not having a good day, or you want this to be a good day, and it's not, call it into existence.  Sometimes we have to speak things into our life's situations, and creating a good day, out of a bad day, sometimes can be done by changing your mindset.  Anyway, today's topic is DREAMS.  Yesterday's topic, was CREATE, put them both together and you get, CREATE DREAMS.  Yes, it's time to turn those dreams into a reality.  On today's show, I share with you, MY dream.  One that was fulfilled once upon a time, and now I'm trying to recapture it. You, my loyal listeners, can become a part of helping me recreate this dream, one that can become, RECURRING. Talking and sharing is my life, my business, my purpose, and your love offerings, dropped in one of my buckets, will make a world of difference. Do so here, or here,, and if you can't do that, please share th