Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  Happy March 2, 2015, the second day of a new month, one I feel is going to be monumental.  Today's topic is, LISTEN, yes, listen. Universe wants you to be still and know that everything has been taken care of. Your prayers are in transition to becoming a reality. Things take time, and that time is near.  I'm so excited, because I see it, in my own life.  Thiings have improved drastically in my life, still have a ways to go, but I see the positive change.  Anywho, your girl, is creating the show, on her new computer!!!  Yes, I found a deal on ebay, and grabbed that bad boy, and it's serving ALL of my purposes. It's like getting a new car, and being able to drive, wherever you want to go.  Can't wait to start the show, I know it's gonna be a doosy!!!  Well, as always, if you'd like to support my efforts at being a stay at home, mompreneur, feel free to drop a love offering in my, account by using the email address, or by