Madrid Young Learners Podcasts

Walking in the Himalayas



Listen to this description of a walking holiday in the Himalayas. It is longer than the other podcasts (about 5 minutes) so you may wish to download it to your mp3 storage device to listen to later.What did she stop doing that made her interested in the idea of walking?What problems did she and her friend encounter when they arrived in Kathmandu?Which drink comes from the place they decided to go to instead?What did a typical day consist of when they were walking?How does she describe the food?What effect does all this walking have on the body?Which animal was she looking forward to seeing?What are these animals like?How long did they walk for?Don't forget you can also get a feedreader such as "BlogMatrix Sparks" or "iPodder" to look out for additions to this podcast or others that can help you practice your listening. You can set them to automatically download content to your desktop.