Conversations That Heal

Using Energy Work as a Tool to Clear Unresolved Trauma



How do you release physical and emotional pain from your body? Energy work clears unresolved trauma, sometimes instantly. Our guest, Hilary Gatehouse has been highly intuitive since childhood. She is able to see deeply into people and the blocks that limit them. Hilary studied many forms of energy work for more than 20 years. The burdens of the past may just be responsible for current challenges and suffering. Hilary believes everyone carries generational burden to varying degrees. She encourages people to explore what life could be like without the heaviness of the past. To learn more about Hilary, visit her website, Your host, Susan Jacobi, a thriver after childhood abuse, knows healing is in replacing the trauma mindset. Her book, How to Love Yourself: The Hope after Child Abuse is available atamazon. To pick up your FREE ebook, 11 Tools for HappinessCLICK here. You can reach Susan directly at