Corrie Lo Radio

Ep. 20 - How to Cope with a Breakup You Don’t Want



Breakups are really damn painful.  So much is lost in a breakup. You lose your future dreams and aspirations, your self-confidence, motivation, self-worth, and even more.  It doesn’t matter whether the breakup was with a romantic partner, business partner, friend or family member, it stings all the same. Break-ups, unfortunately, are part of life, so it’s in our best interest to learn how to handle them instead of letting the situation take control of us.   After this episode, you’ll know three strategies to help you get through your very worst breakup.  By allowing yourself space and time to heal, learning from the experience and letting go, you’ll emerge after it an improved, more motivated individual.   To hear more, watch or listen to the episode. Don’t forget to stop by , where we answer questions you may have about the episode. If you enjoy this video, don’t forget to subscribe and get even more inspirational tips, resources, and interviews