Mayo Talks

Addressing Misinformation and Vaccine Hesitancy in a Post-Fact Society



The World Health Organization has listed vaccine hesitancy as a Top 10 Global Health Threat. How do you discuss vaccine myths with vaccine hesitant patients? What are the true risks associated with vaccines? How do you navigate conversation with a patient who refuses a flu vaccine because they had one in the past and still got the flu? Dr. Gregory Poland discusses vaccine hesitancy, immunization in pregnancy, late-season flu vaccines, antigenic burden and the evidence behind single session multiple vaccine administration, and the ethics of health care provider immunizations. For a deeper dive check out these articles: 1. Poland GA, Jacobson RM. The age-old struggle against the antivaccinationists. N Engl J Med. 2011 Jan 13;364(2):97-9. doi: 10.1056/NEJMp1010594. 2. Poland GA. Influenza vaccine failure: failure to protect or failure to understand? Expert Rev Vaccines. 2018 Jun;17(6):495-502. 3. Poland CM, Poland GA