Corrie Lo Radio

Ep. 16 - How to Learn Through Adversity with Kenneth Cheadle



Imagine you’re 16 years old, and get arrested for shoplifting DVD’s.  Ironically, the DVD’s aren’t even anything you actually want to watch.  You’ve stolen them because you’re trying to raise money to contribute to your beloved step-father’s funeral. This is exactly what happened to today’s guest, Ken Cheadle.  Want to know exactly how Ken managed to scrape his way from childhood poverty to a successful entrepreneur in the face of adversity?  You’ll have to listen to today’s episode to find out. If you’re a discouraged teen who believes the only way out of the projects is becoming an athlete, this episode is for you.  By the end of our conversation, you’ll learn how to embrace your own learning style, find quality mentors, and evaluate opportunities in a new way so that you can take advantage of them. Don’t forget to stop by, where we answer questions you may have about the episode. If you enjoy this episode, don’t forget to subscribe and get even more i