

If you’ve ever wanted to be sharper, more creative and more satisfied with your life, then do we have the Tinker Dabble Doodle Try show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Sirini Pillay, a Harvard trained practicing psychiatrist, brain imaging researcher, brain based technology innovator, the award winning author of Life Unlocked and the author of a MUST READ new book – particularly if you’ll ever have kids Tinker Dabble Doodle Try! And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about unlocking the power of the UNFOCUSED MIND. Did Dr. Pillay, a Harvard trained practicing psychiatrist have a focused mind growing up? How’d he go from South Africa to Harvard? How’d he end up calling Harvard Medical School – and what happened. What happened to Dr. Pillay in his 2nd year in med school? What did he have to change and what did he begin to learn? What does it mean to be unfocused? Why is there such a negative connotation? What’s the cult of focus, and what’s wrong with it? What’s wrong with hyperfocus