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Phoenix ComiCon 2012: With J.J.M. Czep



THIS IS NOT A LIVE SHOW -- NO CALL INS FOR THIS SHOW. THIS IS A PRE-RECORDED SHOW. We talked to J.J.M. CZEP, author of the new book, "Blackstrap's Ecstasy" and some short stories in the new genre of pirate fantasy adventures. AUTHOR BIO: Born in small town Whitesboro, New York, Czep spent much of her childhood wandering fields and swamplands surrounding her parents’ home. Content to create imaginary companions and adventures, Czep took to writing down the stories. At twenty-two, Czep moved to the desert city of Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and infant son. She currently teaches writing workshops for teens and adults at various community centers and in her home studio. Czep also teaches the art of Bellydance; participates in rapier tournaments; and performs in stage shows and festivals with The DREAD Fleet. Web URL: www.easalle.com Facebook.com/jjmczep         Phoenix ComiCon Website for more information.  http://www.phoenixcomicon.com/page/1