Pastor Martin Richling

The Pastor Martin Richling LIVE Radio Broadcast BEGINS !



Pastor Martin Richling from THE SCRIPTURES ALONE BIBLE SCHOOL (which currently is being listened to in 55 Countries around the world,) starts his LIVE Radio Broadcast with a two hour show explaining exactly WHY he is launching this WEEKLY Broadcast starting August 1st 2014.  What is the PURPOSE for this Radio Broadcast?  WHY SHOULD YOU LISTEN TO IT?   Pastor Richling has been reading the holy scriptures for over 18 years now.  He has read the HOLY BIBLE almost 300 times, cover to cover, and he only cares for the truth of the WORD OF GOD ALONE, and not the opinions of men.  He still reads his Bible 8 hours daily, every day, and just wants ALL PEOPLE, to understand the Bible aright. He loves and serves his SAVIOUR, the Lord Jesus Christ and God his Father, and only seeks to please them.  And if you truly and sincerely, WANT THE TRUTH FROM THE WORD OFGOD TAUGHT UNTO YOU ARIGHT, then you will be very happy with the contents of this Broadcast. Do tune in for this OPE