Native Trailblazers

Columbus Day Atrocities from a Taino - Arawak Indian Perspective



The Taíno and Arawak Indians were the first Native Americans to encounter Christopher Columbus and his men. Tonight on a special Columbus Day Episode of Native Trailblazers we will be speaking with Ariette Jeanisca, a Taino and Arawak Indian herself. Not only will we be discussing the Myths and Atrocities of Christopher Columbus and Columbus Day - We will be discussing it with an actual descendant of those few that survived the horrifying genocide associated with this dark segment of history.  Shé:kon and Thanks for joining Native Trailblazers! The Native Show with over half a million listeners worldwide!  For over five years, our award-winning Native themed online radio show has been delivering the hottest topics in Indian Country to your desktop, mobile or other listening devices! Listen in Every Friday at 7pm EST or any time after in archives! HOSTS: Vincent Schilling (Producer, Speaker, Journalist, Author, VP Schilling Media)  and Delores Schilling (CEO, Schilling Media,