Community Garden Revolution

Local Food Hub: Charlottesville, Virginia



Greetings! come join us for an informational filled program.  The kind folks at Charlottesville, Virgina, of the "Local Food Hub" will tell us why they started their Food Hub, who they service, how that impacts their area, how folks are responding to it, what more can be done, and what tips and ideas they have that may help your town start a Food Hub. The Executive Director will tell us about their Mission to have folks be knowledgeable about Food to make better menu decisions and choices.   If you have a Community Garden network where you live, please do consider doing a Food Hub in your area or town.  Do Register with the USDA so that folks can see what your town is doing, there may be companies that will sell or purchase items with you, there may be large Corporations that will lcoate where you are because you want to help the Food System.  Have Good Nutrition in your town, support those who Grow Food Locally, and make a difference.     THANKS! Have a Great Community Garden Day! Mary K. Hukill, Auth