No U-turns At The Drive-in

Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet / Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women



Happy April 1st Jellyfools! Spring is in the air! Trust me, it's there. This week our Jellyful hosts get fooled into watching 2 different American reedits of the same soviet sci-fi flick! They are Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet and Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women! Will we be able to sort through the mess and find a good movie, or get stuck like a robot in hot lava? YOU BE THE JUDGE!!! Enjoy! This Weeks Topic: Reedit and Release! We Also Discuss: Soviet Space Exploration and the Economics of soviet filmmaking in the '50s and '60s. Other Talking Points Include: Planeta bur, Battle Beyond the Sun, Roger Corman, She Gods of Shark Reef, Michael Bay, and Godzilla. And YOU can watch both of these movies HERE and HERE!