No U-turns At The Drive-in

World on a Wire (Welt am Draht)



Have you ever had a dream where you're playing a video game, and in the video game the character you're playing is playing a video game that you're playing, and then the character you're playing ing the video game realizes he's not playing the video game and that he is in fact a character in a video game being played, then you wake up and realize you fell aspleep playing a video game and you at the screen and it says press X to continue your life? You can't figure out how or why it would say that, then you look around and the character you were playing in the video game is in your living room and you just know they're there to kill you and take over your life, but before you can do anything they shoot you. With the sound of the shot ringing in your ears you wake up gasping for breath and looking up you realize that on tv you're watching the second part of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's World on a Wire! This Week's Topic: Are You A Simulation? Next Week: The Serpent and the Rainbow (A Tribute to Wes Craven)