Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast

Ep. 16: How to Think Like The Top Salesmen Chris Tara-Browne



Entrepreneur Chris Tara-Browne owned 100 coffee houses in over 6 countries. Due to unfortunate situations involving a dishonest business partner Chris was forced to walk away from his 26 million dollar empire.  Chris's wife inticed the entrepreneur side of Chris with her checks from the dealership she was a part of. He entered into the car game almost 2.5 years ago and has been crushing it since. He attributes his success to the understanding that being a sales professional is the same as owning your own business. Chris feels that if you want to make the car industry your career you MUST think long term. The true key to success is long term business relationships that generate referrals. If you have a mind frame of from SOLD to NEXT you won't ever develop referral based business.  In this podcast, Chris gives his highly intelligent advice, from the entrepreneurial side, of how to maximize your "sweat equity" investment in your automotive career. This requires discipline, on-going training, and determination.