Open To Be Agile

Agile Jumpstart - Part 2, Episode 10



This episode brings some powerful coaching advice thanks to a little exercise our leaders went through to draft a letter of advice to their younger-selves based on all the knowledge, experience and wisdom they’ve gathered through their illustrious careers. We not only did this for George who is transitioning into the Agile space, but for anyone starting out and I think it could also add value to those who have been at this for a while. With that being said, we would like to challenge you to go through the same exercise! Draft a letter of advice to your younger-self. Please share that letter with us. We’d be delighted to hear the advice you give.   Send your letter to: Go to More in the top menu and select “Contact”    00:11 – Opening Introduction 03:30 – Start of the show, Jeff Koors reads his letter 07:10 – Heidi Araya reads her letter 08:26 – Isaac Garcia reads his letter 09:20 – Jeff broke some rules, so now we discuss cutting down content and honoring time – is he pu