Business German Podcast

Altenpflege in Deutschland



Summary Old people in Germany and in Europe There is an increasing demand in the field of care of old people, who used to live with their families, but now increasingly have to live in homes being professionally looked after and cared for. In Germany “betreutes Wohnen” is offered for the elderly, who do not need constant care (Pflege) and who can mainly look after themselves. Homes and residences have been built all over Germany and Europe to accommodate the increasing number of old and elderly people who need support, at least once or twice a day, but who are able to mostly look after themselves. Once the daily care is permanent, they are living in “Pflegeheimen”, which imply constant day care, including meals and health care. People working in these institutions are called “Pfleger” (from “pflegen” - to care), and an increasing number of them are not Germans, coming from Eastern European countries or even from Asia.   Die Altenpflege, oder die Pflege alter Menschen (Deutschland und Europa) Ein professionell