Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Write YOUR Book! (5 Keys to Writing Your First Book!)



5 Keys to Writing Your First Book We’re talking about getting YOUR book written and published! We're doing a deep dive on the subject of writing and publishing a book. Have you ever thought about writing a book? I'm betting you have. I'm hoping you have because I think every person has at least one book in them but, hey, if you're a DREAM THINK DOer, that probably means you've got five, maybe 15, maybe 25 books in you. And what I've learned about people is that they need to just learn a system for writing a book. Once they have that system down, it is entirely possible to not just write one, but many books. Listen To The Podcast: Resources: Lise Cartwright’s FREE resource for DREAM THINK DO-ers: Specific Steps for Writing Your First Book! Click to get the FREE workbook!   Amazon's Self-Publishing: kdp.amazon.com 5 Keys to Writing Your First Book Transcript: I'm going to be telling stories about people who have written books and turned them in Bestsellers. So, we're going to dive into strategies that th