The Slow Home Podcast With Brooke Mcalary

Do men and women do simplicity differently?



This is a bit of a departure from the usual themes of the Monday shows, but Brooke was involved in a fascinating Twitter conversation a few weeks ago that got her thinking about simplicity writers, their gender and why the most popular ones are overwhelmingly male. Brooke and Ben talk through the genesis of the conversation, as well as the fact that Brooke has noticed this trend for quite some time and believes it’s in part due to the fact that men and women (broadly speaking, of course) deal with problems differently. Neither approach is right or wrong, and neither can effectively solve every problem without dipping in to the other approach occasionally, but it does beg the question of why one approach seems to be more popular than the other (at least in terms of Amazon best-selling lists, anyway). Brooke thinks at least part of it has to do with confidence and fear of being judged (that’s definitely been a personal obstacle for her) and the impact this has on the directness of her writing. But t