Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Life, Business and Uncontained Faith with Pedro Adao



My guest is Pedro Adao. He’s had a number of successes on a number of fronts. He’s a long-time entrepreneur, a Two-Comma Click Funnel winner and he’s also the founder of the 100X Academy. In short, he’s living what I’d call a “Faith-Infused Business” and we’re going to talk about what it means and why it matters! Listen To The Podcast: Resources: Pedro's 100 X Academy   Pedro's 8:18 Kingdom Finance Challenge   Interview:  Pedro Adao: Man, I can't wait. This is gonna be so much fun. Thanks for the invitation, Mitch. Mitch Matthews: Absolutely! Did I get all the big pieces at least to start with? Pedro Adao: Yeah I think we're good. I think whatever you didn't say is about to come up now. Mitch Matthews: That's exactly right. We're covered, right? I love it. I love it. So let's go back and get a little history. I always love to introduce DREAM THINK DOers, let them get into your head a little bit.  You're an entrepreneur. You're loving it. You've been a successful entrepreneur for a while. Was that a