Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

055: Brooke McAlary - SLOW - Live Life Simply



“Be patient with yourself, it does take time.” - Brooke McAlary I am excited to have friend, teacher, and all round beautiful human, Brooke McAlary, back on the podcast this week. Brooke and her husband Ben are the wonderful souls behind the hugely influential Slow Home Podcast, and are two people that have helped, guided, and encouraged Inga and I in many of the big life decisions we have made over the past few years. Brooke’s latest book SLOW has recently been released in Australia and New Zealand. It is part memoir, part practical companion, and provides a fascinating insight into the benefits of slowing down. It will inspire you to forget about the Joneses and create a life filled with the things that really matter to you. Brooke will be doing an Author Talk in my hometown of Newcastle on Wednesday September 27 from 6.30pm at the Hunter Design School. It is set to be a fun evening and I hope to see you there if you’re in the neighbourhood. In this episode Brooke and I really dive d