Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

079: Nerida Bint – Empowering Women And Creating A Community Of Change (men you need to listen to this one too)



“I have more respect for someone who has tried and failed, than someone who has never tried.” – Nerida Bint There are some people in the world that lift you up and leave you in a better place than where you were before. My guest today, Nerida Bint, is definitely one of those beautiful people. What I love about Nerida is that she has taken all the knockdowns in her life, all the times she was pushed away, and every moment she wasn’t included and was forced to be alone, and turned them into a positive force that is helping countless women to change and grow. Nerida is the founder of Lissome, a women’s only gym that provides so much more than a space to exercise. Nerida is all about helping women to become the absolute best that they can be. Nerida has created a community that is welcoming, empowering, and calls bullshit on judgment. There is so much in this episode, as Nerida and I discuss dealing with shame and working through the struggle, the need to change if you want things to