Tv Tea Time With Mattie And Jake

TV Tea Time 42: Kate Casey from Reality Life with Kate Casey



IT'S A CROSSOVER EPISODE! I taped this interview with Kate Casey for the Dear Mattie Show, but it was so great, so interested, and so funny that Jake and I thought it would be perfect for TV Tea Time. We were just recently on Kate's show and she is a reality show guru and has a photographic memory for it.  She's a podcaster, stand-up comic, Mom of four kids, and smart AF.  AND she's a no BS kinda gal. What I loved about this interview is that I often write off reality TV and honestly reality stars. But I love that Kate remembers to see them as people, and yes call them out for ridiculous things they do, but also to remember they have a great story behind what we are seeing.  You should definitely subscribe to her show,  REALITY LIFE WITH KATE CASEY. Thanks so much Kate! Leave a review on Apple Podcasts: Twitter/Instagram: @themattmarr & @jakeitorfakeit Watch the show on Youtube: http://www.