Tv Tea Time With Mattie And Jake

Rivermales 77: Riverdale 0301 Season 3 Opener Leaves Us Hot...and a bit bothered



THIS SEASON ONE OPENER WAS EVERYTHING WE WANTED!!!!!!!!!!  But like a sexy hookup who ends up being a bad cuddler...the end of this episode left us scratching our heads. But more \over Riverdale is BACK!!! Leave a review on Apple Podcasts: Find us on the Socials: Find Mattie! Instagram: @theMattMarr  Twitter: @theMattMarr  Facebook: @theMattMarr Find Jake! Twitter: @jakeitorfakeit Instagram: @jakeitorfakeit   For all our shows go to AND GET READY FOR A SABRINA RECAP SHOW CALLED BITCHCRAFT COMING SOON! Listen to Mattie’s other podcast THE DEAR MATTIE SHOW: OR find him at the Dear Mattie Show Site.