Healthy Diet | Nutrition | Alternative Health | Health Information | Healthy Living | Life Enthusiast

Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #5



This week Martin and Scott discuss healthy liver, healthy weight and the impact good nutrition has on it. The secret to the power of Superfood. Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic priniciples for healthy living. This week Martin and Scott discuss healthy liver, healthy weight and the impact good nutrition has on it. The secret to the power of Superfood. Blender Smoothie Recipe Martin's Breakfast of the Champions In your blender (if you can afford a Volixer, all the better) combine the following: 1 organic apple (cored if you like) 1 half cup of frozen organic blueberries 1 quarter cup of frozen organic raspberries 1 oz raw organic hemp powder (Living Harvest) 2 tsp of raw organic flax seeds 1 tsp of raw organic maca root powder 1 tsp of Himalayan Crystal salt brine 2 tsp of hemp seed oil (Living Harvest) 1 tsp of virgin coconut oil 1 - 2 tsp Exsula Superfood - Iridesca, Premium, EllagiPlex 24 oz of energized water - Prills, Pearls or ADR 4 charged Blend at high speed for 1 minute.