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lternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Superfoods - Podcast #16



This week Martin and Scott discuss Exsula Superfoods ZoeTein. This SuperFood-grade protein feeds your body, while slashing the junk food appetite, encouraging safe and natural fat loss. It is superior for immune support, cellular healing and tissue repair. And it supports and enhances enzyme activity for your liver and entire body. The ZoeTein formula includes numerous protein synergists, which specificly help the protein utilization processes deep within your body's cells. These protein synergists include amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, probiotics, vitamins, minerals & trace elements, and many other nutrients to ensure your body can efficiently utilize them all. At the most intricate cellular level, ZoeTein supports optimumal assimilation and utilization, unattainable by single-ingredient products or other formulas. It enriches nutritional depth & balances. Exsula Superfoods ZoeTein Each week Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss Holistic principles for healthy living. Life Enthusiast C