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Real Salt and Your Health | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast - Podcast #94



Regular consumption of natural salt provides your body with natural minerals, trace elements and living energy. This will help balance the electrolytes in fluids of your body, support proper nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. Common table salt has been refined and reduced to pure sodium chloride, acting as poison in your body. For your body to function properly, you need whole natural salt with all its natural elements intact. Himalayan Crystal Salt offers all 84 elements, exactly identical to the elements in your body, and is vital for: * Regulating the water content throughout your body * Balancing excess acidity from your cells, particularly your brain cells * Balancing your blood sugar levels and helping to reduce your aging rate * Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract * Clearing clacifications (arthritis & bone spurs from random deposits) * Stabilizing irregular heartbeats and blood pressure * Natural antihistamine to clear congestion (particular