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Four Causes of Digestive Disorders: Toxicity, Malnutrition, Stagnation and Disruption Part 2 | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #226



Stagnation is a common problem of the affluent sedentary TV watching and car driving society. Some people exercise, but too many don't. You and I have a mini-trampoline in our office to take care of the problem. And the increasing electromagnetic radiation provides an ever increasing challenge to the immune system. Rising levels of allergies, asthma, autism and ADD all show that we are not on the right track. To prevent illness, you need to do more on the good side of the ledger than you do on the bad side. If you look around, you can see that most people are failing at this. We also talked about the two metabolic types and why what is healthy for one is deadly to the other, and visa versa. As promised in today's Teleclass, join our FREE 10 part Digestive Disorder course: