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Feeling out of Sorts? | Healthy, Wealthy Silver | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #229



This week Martin and Scott talk about emotional upsets and stress plus what to do about it. SAM-e SAM-e is being used successfully around the world and also has a substantial (and growing) base of research behind it. SAM-e occurs naturally in all living cells, and is a key player in a process called methylation, affecting more than 100 complex biochemical reactions in the human body. SAM-e supplements have gained widespread popularity because they don't exhibit the side effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can cause gastrointestinal damage, or of anti- depressants, which can cause sexual dysfunction, dry mouth or nausea. It takes a week or so for SAM-a to take effect: slower than NSAIDs but about twice as fast as most antidepressant drugs. SAM-e helps make and regulate hormones, cell membranes and the neurotransmitters that affect mood. It also contributes to building cartilage, and is involved in making glutathione, which the liver uses to remove poisonous toxins from the body.