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A Healthy Police State? | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #231



Are you free? Health freedom champion and civil rights defender Maryanne Godboldo was victimized by an armed attack led by Child Protective Services. CPS officials conspired with local law enforcement to threaten Maryanne with deadly force and kidnap her daughter. And what did Maryanne do to deserve this treatment? She refused to medicate her daughter with psychiatric drugs and, instead, chose to treat her daughter holistically.Welcome to the new health care police state in America, where if you refuse to inject your child with dangerous vaccines or refuse to medicate your child with mind-altering psychotropic drugs, you are considered en enemy of the state. • Why psychiatric doctors pushed dangerous psychiatric medications onto Maryanne's daughter against her will.• How Child Protective Services engaged in "bait and switch" tactics to lure parents into their centers where their children are taken away.• The