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The Gift of Self-Esteem | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #240



As the result of our childhood socialization we are constrained by the primary limiters - fear, guilt and shame. Smart Minerals products were created to deal with these emotions. Please understand that everybody (really almost everybody) should take The Gift as the introduction to Smart Minerals, as the tool to your raise self esteem, and follow it up by the specific emotional clearing product. Your beliefs are limiting you, they are blocking your success; they are keeping you from having the success that you deserve. They are conditional love or low self esteem, fear, guilt and shame. The Gift addresses the first one, low self esteem. The Gift's main application is empowering personal growth and raising one's consciousness. It is important to understand that taking The Gift™ "opens the door"; it does not force you through it. Making clear, well-defined statements, or other means of creating intent, takes you "throug