Healthy Diet | Nutrition | Alternative Health | Health Information | Healthy Living | Life Enthusiast

More Smart Minerals | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #241



We all have subconscious programs that drive us. The ones that are most impactful in keeping us away from the success that we want in life, whether it is the success in health or relationships or in finance, or success in creating or manifesting are the limitations usually arising from childhood socializations where we learn basically four things: conditional love, fear, guilt and shame. The first thing that we learn is conditional love. If we do something that Mom or Dad doesn’t like, we get a frown or we get put down or we are sent to our room. The good stuff is withdrawn and the bad stuff is thrown at us. Right from the beginning we are learning conditional love. We learn from that how we value ourselves. We value ourselves only conditionally and this stunts our growth and limits us for the rest of our lives. I created a 12 point scale on self esteem. The first four levels are used with The Gift. The statement “I love and accept myself” would be level one. If a person makes that statemen