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Fear Reversal | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #242



Sometimes a fear or resistance to doing an activity, such as preparing for a sales call, or a date, is actually caused by a self esteem issue. If you feel like you are not good enough or have been beaten down by your life, it may be a self esteem issue and this product may not have the impact that we expect. The Gift would be more appropriate in this situation. Fear freezes a person in place, stops him; makes him unable to move forward. There is an additional aspect that goes along with fear. Anything that scares you also shocks you and if it actually intersects you more directly, it creates trauma, a memory of the event that gets replayed in the body again and again until you hit the reset button. Of course nobody knows where to find that reset button. Our product for Fear Shock and Trauma delivers that reset. Professor Farrell S. Brenner, the creator of this product writes: "When I was going through my dentistry work, and I had a lot of dentistry done in one year, I hadn’t gone to the dent