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Ironing your Blood | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast #264



750 MIllion people worldwide are iron deficient. Many do not have bio-available iron. In one way or another, iron is essential to most forms of life. It is the most abundant transition-metal in living organisms and is endowed with unique properties that enable it to both initiate and participate in certain paramount chemical reactions. Though iron is very important in the metabolism of many life forms, in humans its chief usefulness is addressed to redox mechanisms, of which the most important is breathing. For our ancestors, SBO Probiotics were naturally provided in their diet from the rich soil that coated their harvested vegetables. These microscopic probiotics are still present in soils that have not been commercially over-used and tainted with pesticides. Since most of us eat commercially grown food, our diets are deficient in SBO Probiotics. To rid your body of viruses, parasites, fungi, and mold for good you need to establish the symbiotic b