Street Epistemology

Ep 322: Song | Steven Phelps | It's OK to Think About It



It's OK to Think About It Written and Performed by Steven Phelps Lead Vocals Adam Newton Background Vocals by Georgia Phelps Nashville, Tennessee Shared with permission. Copyright 2016 | All Rights Reserved -- Why in this world Are we here in this world Are we imbued with a purpose or did we just beat all the odds Questions are raised Sometimes fact vs faith Are you up to the challenge of balancing science and gods Listen to skeptics Listen to priests Then let your own voice tell you what to believe It's OK to think about it OK to wonder why 'Cause If you never doubt it How can you know it's right Truth is a moving target Aim for it anyway Find your own answers It's OK It's OK Are you perplexed By an “inerrant” text With an axe head that floats and fire falling out of the sky Will you conform To the societal norm Or let evidence outweigh emotion and dare to defy Open your mind You've got to be strong You may be out-numbered but your not alone (chorus) bridge (Voice 1) Odin and Hera, Vishnu and Memphis