Zion News

New Right Party's Target Hamas | 3/18/19



Manhunt for Ariel Terrorist ContinuesIsraeli security forces continue the manhunt for suspected terrorist Omar Abu Laila; a day after he allegedly killed Israeli Sgt. Gal Keidan, and Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger, and wounded one other in the West Bank. #GALKEIDAN #AHIADETTINGER __________________ 2. Authorities Foil Attempted Terror Attack in Hebron As security forces continue the manhunt for the Ariel terrorist Israel narrowly avoided what would have been another tragedy when border police detained a Palestinian teenager sneaking a knife into the cave of the patriarchs on Monday. #ARIEL #TERRORIST ____________________ Iran Reportedly Hacked Former PM Ehud Barak Too News regarding the Iranian wiretapping scandal has just emerged on Sunday, as the Shin Bet announced that former Prime Minister Ehud Barak’s phone was also targeted. #EHUDBARAK #HACKED ___________________ HCJ Overturns Election Committee’s Decisions The Israeli High Court has finally issued its ruling to disqualify Otzma Yehudit lea