Super Nerd Pals

Wonderful! 01: Happy Birthday, Pokémon Snap!



Welcome to episode 1 of the brand new Nerd Pals Network podcast mini-series: Wonderful! A Celebration of Pokémon Snap! Pokémon Snap first launched in Japan 20 years ago, on March 21, 1999, and with this show we hope to rekindle older fans' interest in the iconic spin-off, while maybe bringing some new fans into the fold as well. Join Zak Lyons (Kingdom Hearts and Other Stuff) and Andy Carasquillo (Super Nerd Pals) as they spend 8 episodes dissecting the game: discussing their favorite and least favorite aspects, pitching ideas for a sequel, checking out other fan projects inspired by Pokémon Snap, and so much more. Special thanks to Jen Cappelli for creating the show's artwork. Give her a follow on Twitter, @JeninRGB. Special thanks also to Allissoon Lockhart (@celtictampon on Instagram) and Michael Foxx (ambassadorfoxx on Bandcamp) for allowing us to use their songs for our intro and outro respectively. The intro song is a cover of "Professor Oak's Lab" by Yoga Boner, and the outro song is a cover of "Cour