[moist] Radio

Episode 3: Overdue



Welcome back to the chaos that is [MOIST] Radio! Enjoy a selection of oddities with your hosts MrsLlante, SallyNoobasaur, and Dubu. (No overdue fees please! We had some teething issues!) This week we have our cutest guest, Larissa! We talk all about the moist parts of her world and find out what it's like to be amazing like her! We also talk about Zero Latency, Anthem, Apex, Pug Dating and Force of Will as well as receive some rather interesting visitors! We hope you enjoy our show! Please send us feedback via our twitter page! https://twitter.com/moistradio  This week's shoutout goes to: ▄▬▬ ▬ ( ♡ ) ▬ ▬▬▄ EVERYONE! LUL! ▀▬▬ ▬ ( ♡ ) ▬ ▬▬▀   ☆ヾ(*´・∀・)ノヾ(・∀・`*)ノ☆ This week is brought to you by: Larissa Derro Damo aka GrumpyGamer Pyrite Music Awesome Editor MrProducer! An Informative Yaoi by Haley'sCircus Hot Date - Pugging Adorable!   (ノ>ω