Monday Morning Motivator

Sales Recruiting Mystery Revealed: How to attract and assess the right salespeople to your startup. Monday Motivator Meeting 5



This week I’m getting strategic with you on sales recruiting. There is a big mystery in the market about how to hire the right salespeople for your company and how to predict sales performance (before you spend time and money onboarding and training someone). But with experience interviewing thousands of salespeople and training hundreds, here’s what I know:   In this week’s Monday Morning Motivator I’ll reveal:   Why hiring the wrong salesperson costs you more than you think (even if they’re on commission-only)... I take you step-by-step through how to create a challenging recruiting funnel that builds value for your role, eliminates the wrong candidates automatically (so you can’t get carried away by emotions), and retains the right ones... Where to find these coveted salespeople and how to attract them to your sales opportunity.   Watch the whole thing, cause I filled an hour of sales recruiting strategy for you that can help increase impact through your business if you use it to grow and scale a sales t