Porpoise Crispy (a Satire)

Porpoise Crispy Podcast V8 N1 "Celexa"



Porpoise Crispy Podcast
Volume #8 Episode #1 Citalopram (Celexa, Cipramil) Curated by Megs January 29, 2019         Last of the volume sevens Sister I'm a Poet Morrissey Beethoven Was Deaf Sheets Damien Jurado Caught In The Trees Freedom Of '76 Ween Chocolate And Cheese California Girls The Magnetic Fields Distortion Tibetan Pop Stars Hop Along Get Disowned       Domestication Laura Gibson Goners My Name Is David Dust Congress October 11, 2007 at Public Trust         Forty Dollars The Twilight Singers Powder Burns          Reveal The Rats Fatal Flying Guilloteens Quantum Fucking         Day Glo Hazel Toreador of Love Let's Kill Saturday Night Silkworm You Are Dignified Colleen Joanna Newsome & The Ys Street Band EP      First of the volume eights The pCrispy is only an hour of music so I know you’ve got time to enjoy to these bad asses of the Internets:  The Westerino Show Funkytown Bayerclan Squirreling Podcast Secretly Timid