Whisky & Commerce With Laura Doonin

Whisky & Commerce - #002 Ryf Quail



Check out this episode where I have a chat and a whisky with Ryf Quail, Managing Director of Comexposium for Australia and New Zealand. Ryf has a super impressive career across publishing, media, marketing and digital. A business man and entrepreneur, and most importantly, he is a great guy. We chat about whisky, what keeps him going, what brings him mindfulness, his thoughts around search, the retail dominator that is Amazon and the trends coming through in retail. A few favourites:   1. Brands diversifying Ryf "It's really about so much changes going on and how data is really informing so much. I mean, Crayola has launched a makeup brand.  Me "Crayola, the crayons?" Ryf "Yes. It doesn't sound very intuitive, but obviously, they know something about their customers and say, They'd buy makeup." Me "Actually, I think it makes complete sense because if you've seen some of these makeup tutorials, it looks like these girls are putting crayons on their face." Ryf "I think we should start at the positive place." 2.