Ojiwbe Stories From Kumd

Ojibwe Stories: Gaganoonididaa - Remembering Amik



On this episode of Ojibwe Stories: Gaganoonididaa we have conversation with Obizaan [Lee Staples], a spiritual advisor for the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, and Chato Gonzalez, Obizaan's apprentice and translator. Obizaan talks about the passing of Mille Lacs elder and longtime Ojibwe Stories contributor Larry Amik Smallwood. Obizaan conducted Amik's funeral in April, and he discusses teachings about our journey to the spirit world. Obizaan also discusses growing up with Amik in the Aazhomog community. Ojibwe Stories: Gaganoonididaa is produced by KUMD and the Department of American Indian Studies at UMD, with funding provided in part by the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council, and by The Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Ojibwe language-related content: Obizaan : Mii dash noongom waa-ni-dazhindamaan noomaya go maa enendaagwak a'aw anishinaabe maa keyaa gechi-wanitaasod mii a'aw Amik gii-inendaagozid da-ni-aanjikiid. Ishke dash a'aw Amik geget nebowa ogii-ni-giizhiikaan imaa megwaa