Ojiwbe Stories From Kumd

Ojibwe Stories: Gaganoonididaa - Resisting Change



On this episode of Ojibwe Stories: Gaganoonididaa we listen to Obizaan [Lee Staples], a spiritual advisor for the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, and Chato Gonzalez, Obizaan's apprentice and translator. They talk about the influence of European Americans that – intentional or otherwise – caused cultural changes to the Anishinaabe way of life. Ojibwe Stories: Gaganoonididaa is produced by KUMD and the Department of American Indian Studies at UMD, with funding provided in part by the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council, and by The Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Ojibwe language-related content in this episode: Obizaan : Mii dash imaa wii-ni-dazhindamaan a'aw akeyaa a'aw Anishinaabe gaa-izhi-gagwaadagi'idog inow Chi-mookomaanan geyaabi sa go a’aw gagwaadagi'igon. Ishke a'aw Waabishkiiwed geget a'aw nawaj igo zhiiwenimo nawaj wiin igo ogikendaan gegoo dabazhish dash omaa odasaan o-aanawenimaan bemaadizinijin a'aw bekaan bakaaning akeyaa ezhi-bimaadizijig bakaan enaanzojig naa-go ge