Career Cloud Radio - Job Search Advice & Tactics

Personal Branding Tips with Robert Moment



Robert Moment. Robert is an interview coach and author. He specializes in job interview coaching ideas, tips and strategies that help ambitious people get hired for jobs and make more money. He is the author of several books including InterviewTips and soon to be published, How to Answer Interview Questions… Listeners should stay tuned to the end of this podcast for details on how to get a free copy of Roberts new book. We’ll be giving away a few copies. 1. Lets start by Defining Personal Branding? 2. What are the key benefits of Personal Branding? 3. How can you gain visibility and credibilty with Personal Branding? 4. How can you get more job interviews and job offers using Personal Branding? 5. How do you use Social Media for Personal Branding? 6. What are some of the Do's and Don'ts of Personal Branding? 7. What are the keys to Personal Branding success? 8. Can you share some tips for building a strong online Personal Brand? 9. What is the first step our listeners can take to start building the