Career Cloud Radio - Job Search Advice & Tactics

Welcome to the 2017 Job Hunt



I wanted to start off the new year with a quick update on what is happening on CareerCloud and what you can expect in the new year. But first it is the start of the job hunting season, time to dust off that resume and hit the job search I speak, recruiters are busily getting ready to post lots of new jobs this month and open up the resume floodgates. January is the like the christmas season for online job search. The job market will tighten even further this year which means candidates will have more leverage. Don't be afraid to negotiate if you get an offer. Also Remember when applying online to customize your resume as much as possible for each job you apply to. One resume does not fit all….Be patient with the hiring process as recruiting departments will be extremely busy in the first few months of the year. If you have been to CareerCloud lately you may notice some design changes to our various micro sites. CareerCloud is made up of 4 main sections is home to our artic