Career Cloud Radio - Job Search Advice & Tactics

How to Overcome Being Overqualified


Synopsis is the site that offers most practical tips, tricks and tools for today’s jobs search...if you want to become a modern job seeker...join over 40,000 other job seekers on who use the site to stay up to date on todays job search. With me today is Lisa Rangel, Lisa is is the Managing Director of Chameleon Resumes, As a recruitment professional for over 13 years, she has held management and recruiter roles for international recruitment conglomerates and private search firms. She knows first-hand what resumes win interviews and are awarded offers from reviewing thousands of resumes over the years and helping hiring managers seek talent for their premier organizations. She speaks of how to stay consistently employed at her podcast The Pretend You'reFired Today podcast, found at and offers free resume samples and training at Topics Didcussed: -What did you learn from the 2016 job hunt? -What was your favorite client success story f