Career Cloud Radio - Job Search Advice & Tactics

Why losing your job is the best thing that can happen to you



My guest today is author and career coach Stephanie Brown. Her new book is called Fired: why losing your job is the best thing that can happen to you. Stephanie held senior roles at Nike before leaving to take a chance on a job at a smaller company, who subsequently fired her. Knowing that amazing jobs at companies like Nike are not advertised on the internet,she spent seven months hustling and sniffing out the best jobs in the city with her own unique networking strategy! She approached me about sharing this advice and experience with the CareerCloud audience. QUESTIONS Why is Losing your Job is the Best thing that can happen to you? What did you learn in your 7 months of job hunting that you think are valuable lessons for people to take into their careers? You have previously worked for some of the worlds most recognisable brands. From your experience of hiring top candidates, what is the key to standing out both on a resume and in an interview? What do you think is the most important phase of the job